Whattodoifyouhaveafightandyourgirlfriendisannoyin Continue readingWhat should I do if I had an argument and my girlfriend is annoyed to death-
It’s awkward for a girl to take her best friend on a date, what should she do-
IfinallyaskedthegirlIlikedoutfordinner,butafterme Continue readingIt’s awkward for a girl to take her best friend on a date, what should she do-
How to avoid arguments with your girlfriend
Howtoavoidquarrelswithyourgirlfriend1 Listenandres Continue readingHow to avoid arguments with your girlfriend
How to coax your girlfriend back gracefully and resolve quarrels
Inarelationship,quarrelsareinevitable Whenwehavea Continue readingHow to coax your girlfriend back gracefully and resolve quarrels
What would you dream about if you had a fight with your girlfriend-
Whenyouhaveafightwithyourgirlfriend,yourmoodmaybea Continue readingWhat would you dream about if you had a fight with your girlfriend-